The Thing About Running

by knitred33

I am not a runner. Unless someone or something is chasing me. I don’t run fast and I don’t like to run for very long; however, I hear running is good for you. Something about cardiovascular health or some nonsense. In the interest of my own health, I have added running to my workout repertoire. To be honest, I have really only run in fits and starts. I’ll run one day, maybe two and then nothing for a few weeks. Partly because of my schedule, but mostly because I have a hard time committing to vague plans such as, I’ll run on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Turns out, that is not specific enough for me to follow through. Here’s the new plan: weather permitting, if I am home (and awake) at 7:30 pm, I go for a run. It works, but only when I remember that’s the plan. Yesterday, for example, I was home and it was nice, but I didn’t remember I was supposed to go for a run until 8:30 pm. Being the non-runner that I am, I decided that was clearly too late to be running. I made it today and should be able to make it tomorrow, unless some plans come up that demand I find something to do outside my house between 7:00 pm and 8:00 pm.

On the knitting front, I am making progress on my Christmas knitting. I looked at the spreadsheet yesterday and about had a mild panic attack. There are many more knitting projects than I seem to have time for and it is only June. It would probably help if I would stick to knitting exclusively, or at least primarily, Christmas things. Unfortunately, other knitting projects have been seducing me and I haven’t been strong enough to say “no”. I have some beautiful scarves and a couple extra pair of socks, but neither help with the massive list of Christmas items that silently taunt me from the spreadsheet. *sigh* To that end, I should probably knit something. A Christmas something… or this other sock.